Monday, January 12, 2009

Kansas City to Denver to Phoenix!

I am currently in Kansas City sitting in the airport, the smallest airport in the world! For those of you who do not know, I am a student at Manhattan Christian College in Manhattan Kansas, but I now live in Mesa Arizona. I took an internship position last May and they asked me to stay longer. So, after a whole month of prayer I felt that this is what God wanted me to do, so I stayed. From time to time I fly back to Kansas to take a class or to knock out some school related hurdle that stands in the way of me getting that amazing piece of paper that will get me my dream job with low pay! This has been a difficult year though because my I am doing something that my school has never done before. It is actually a huge pain in the butt!!! I have about two classes that the school doesn't think I can do long distance. But you know what they say, "Doing God's will is usually not that easy!" I can hear in the administrations voices, how much of an "inconvenience" I being for them, but to that I say change is never easy. I am single handedly changing the future of my school and it is tough but they will end up thanking me for being the inconvenience so that this can be convenient for students of the future! In thirty years I will have finally graduated and then will have school paid off when I hit the age 85, but I know it will be well worth it ... I hope! 

So, I am now waiting to board my flight and I have about an hour and a half. I got here so early because I have been conditioned to the chaos that is Sky Harbor Airport security and baggage check. The airport in Kansas City is about the size of your grandma's trailer park, and I forgot, so now I must wait. However, I am extremely excited because after I fly to Denver and then to Phoenix, I will get to hug my amazing girlfriend!!!!! Happy six months Kristen!

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