Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm Nicodemus!

Today I started reading the book of John and something really stuck out to me. I realized that I am more like Nicodemus than I am John the Baptist. What I mean by that is this: Here is John the Baptist telling about the one who will come. The one who John says he is unfit to untie Jesus' sandal. John knows what Jesus can do and he acknowledges that without a doubt. He is paving the way for Christ and his work. Then you have Nicodemus who goes to Jesus and says that he knows that Jesus is the teacher from heaven because of the signs he has performed. Jesus tells him no one can see the kingdom unless he has been born again, and Nicodemus tries to see the logic in that and becomes confused saying that its impossible for a grown man to physically be born again!

When reading this today it really hit me that I am like Nicodemus! I am always trying to make sense of everything and not really taking time to understand what God is telling me, I always cut him short with a question of doubt. The statement that really cut deep is when Jesus is explaining all of this to Nicodemus, Nicodemus throws in another question asking, "How can this be?" Then Jesus says in John 3:10 "You are Israel's teacher, and you do not understand these things?" Every time I read this verse I can hear Jesus' heart breaking and picture a tear swell up in his eye. It’s kind of like Jesus is say WHY DON’T YOU GET THIS!! This hit home because I am a "teacher" as well and sometimes I don’t get it, I don’t always have the passion for Christ like John the Baptist.

Another thing that convicted me was a song that I recently listened to. This song is about how Christians have exchanged truth for a lie and that our biggest sin is our religion. The line that hit me was "I'll just read a book, I got no time to walk the narrow path." So many times we as Christians read how to books about living like a Christian and we just don’t live like a Christian! Well, at least I know I have that problem. I have read so many books about this that I should be a super Christian but I think we tend to use that I gaining knowledge and growing in the Lord card. Now I am not saying that there is anything wrong with Christian living books, I like them, but I think we need to put down the books for a little bit and show the world who Christ is. At least I need to!

Christ didn’t call us to read he called use to Lead!!

1 comment:

Fitness In Real Life said...

word up man - hows messa massa?