Tuesday, October 28, 2008

You may feel like you have been hit by an Mac-Truck!

So today I received a flu shot at work that could kill me. After I received the shot the lady told me that for the next two weeks I might have flu like symptoms and feel like i have been hit by an 18-wheeler! Now, it only seems logical that if a person was hit by an 18-Wheeler, it would kill him! So I guess I just received a shot of death!!!! So it was nice knowing everyone, I am glad I got to know you, but apparently in two weeks I am going to be a human pancake. When people ask how did he end up like this the crime scene investigators will most like say "He was hit by a truck that just Flu by!"


Mitch Eiler said...

hat my friend is what we call in the business... witty!

Fitness In Real Life said...

really? flu by? thats the joke? i read this whole post for a joke that my grandpa would say while sleeping?

flu by - i'm going to be fluing by your next blog post without reading it.