Now I know I am not the best at being consistent with my blog, but believe me I am working on it. It just seems like my life is not full of those amazing moments to which I respond with, "Oh I can't wait to put that on my Blog." So I am starting fresh. I will try my hardest to at least put up two entries a week. So raise your glasses, and take a swig, as you join me on the journey of randomness that is my Life. This is the Blog of Jason Grindle.
Here are some random thoughts that I have had today.
1. I wonder if soap is really made how Brad Pitt explains it in Fight Club. (This thought occurred while in the shower.)
2. It's sort of funny how much it sucks when you can't find that one deodorant that you always buy. (This thought derives from when I went to buy deodorant on Monday and Walmart didn't have my type and scent in stock. Instead of just buying a different scent, I ended scrapping my pit with the plastic of what was left of my stick. Don't worry I found my Old Spice Red Zone Pure Sport in a walmart on Gilbert and Germann.)
3. How come Night Crawler wasn't in the third X-men movie. He is one of the best X-men there is and he such a huge role in the second film, but never made into The Last Stand. (This thought came to me as I was thinking about being a super-hero and counting down the day until X-men Origins comes out next Friday.)
4. Why are tootsie rolls so Great;and if it is not chocolate then what is it? (I was eating a tootsie roll.)
5. Hahahaha That is hilarious! (This thought came to me as I drove to work and saw a middle-aged man with a neck brace jogging with a chihuahua.)
I hope this thoughts from my brain have put a smile on your face and have caused you to have some random thoughts of your own. If so post some of your random thoughts as a comment to this blog entry.
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2 years ago
dude, the neck brace guy... you know you are evil for laughing at him, right?
cool, i just didn't want to be the only evil one here :-P.
Random thought one-
if a person with multiple personalities committs suicide is it then a hostage situation......
Random thought two-
why do i have this brother who has a weird blog called the actual Grindle thoughts are you the actual Grindle or is someone else
Random Thought three-
how is it that Jason Grindle has this amazing sister who is moving to Nashville to major in music business and will be working in a studio while at school ..
*haha random thoughts that jason cant answer YAY!!!
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